3rd nature: Janet Laurence

This image above is a detail from “After Eden” an installation by Janet Laurence. The Australian artist is known for her work with endangered species, scientific vessels and containers, and incorporating items from the biological collections of museums in installations.
The words on each of the exhibitor pages, will change as further discussion takes place and a greater awareness of the works results. We began by examining the works from the point of view of how some of them interconnect with each other in terms of content. This was so we could form a rationale of where in the collection might be a good position for the work.
Janet Laurence’s subtle and carefully modulated installations speaks of the sensitivity of the artist to content, subject and placement. In the context of SCANZ 2103: 3rd nature, there are connection points to the vessels and containers of science in the work of Hideo Iwasaki; to animals – fish in the medusae of Anne Pincus, and Mike Paulin’s model of a shark; and birds in the project by Pierre Proske and Damian Stewart. This is perhaps due to an embedded interdisciplinarity in Laurence’s work, which traces across several subjects including science, biology, installation, projection, lighting and containers.