Water, Peace, Power 2016 Parihaka presentation
Photograph by Azadeh Emadi.
About the Project
Charlotte Sunde used a solar powered 12 volt battery and an inverter to power a data projector displaying a poetic work about whio (the native blue duck) that only live in healthy, fast-running rivers and so are an indicator species of wild freshwater ecosystems. It was projected at night from a footbridge onto vegetation and a stream the flows through Parihaka Pa.
Short Bio
Charlotte Šunde has over 15 years experience in the tertiary education sector, as a researcher, lecturer, editor, and research development manager of the urban research initiative, Transforming Cities: Innovations for Sustainable Cities. She currently works at the University of Auckland Research Office as team leader of the national research collaborations.
She is attending the Water, Peace, Power hui as a conversation leader and Intercreate Research Fellow (Sustainability).
Charlotte has a PhD in environmental planning – her thesis approached cross-cultural environmental relationships from the perspective of worldviews, critiques of development and the ecological sciences, with application to environmental planning cases.
Engagements in art-science-education projects include the fluid city project (2011-2015) with public performances in central and south Auckland and Taranaki.