A Registered Charity
Intercreate is a registered charitable entity in accordance with the Charities Act 2005. It’s registration number with the Charities Commission is CC32791. Donations in Aotearoa New Zealand are tax deductible.
The principles of the Trust are:
1 Increasing the awareness and understanding of the environment, digital media art and related practice
2 Fostering community, education, research and creative projects;
3 Promoting and supporting residency programmes;
4 Co-operating with other networks and organizations working in related fields;
5 Respecting and implementing the dual heritage of the partners of Te Tiriti o Waitangi (the Treaty of Waitangi).
Sectors – Arts / culture / heritage
Education / training / research
Activities – Sponsors / undertakes research
Makes grants / loans to individuals
Makes grants to organisations (including schools or other charities)
Acts as an umbrella / resource body
Beneficiaries – Artists, educators
Children / young people
General public
For more information about the Intercreate Trust, visit the Charities Register at www.charities.govt.nz
Donations Welcomed
Any donations for the work we do would be much appreciated and would greatly help assure the continuing development of our educational, cultural and environmental programming. It is essential that humanity grapples with it’s relationship to the environment and that we foster programmes that inform and encourage all generations to engage with environment in a positive way. Because indigenous groups have led the way in terms of environmental relationships, we seek their guidance and involvement in our activities.
To donate by direct bank deposit:
Intercreate.org Bank Account Number: 15-3948-0384073-00
1) Use the reference field to list your last name
2) Send us an email at info at intercreate.org with your name and contact details so we can cross-reference your contribution and to be able thank you!