oro awa waha wai by Julieanna Preston
The video provocatively reflected on the health of the Waiwhakaiho at the river mouth [/caption]
oro awa waha wai is a guttural lament to the Waiwhakaiho River’s polluted mouth. Aural soundings and moving image shape an indeterminate and enigmatic water-land-body relationship focused on the throat as an instrument for grieving over the fact that the water is not fit for entering, let alone consumption.
The video was projected on Puke Ariki’s gridded screens as part of an event for the community who took part in the project.
Artist Bio
Professor Julieanna Preston is a spatial artist, interior and architectural designer, theorist, and writer researching across feminist philosophy, new materialism and spatial politics. Her primary contribution as an educator stretches from PhD supervision to the new Master of Fine Arts (art and design), the Master of Design and the Postgraduate Diploma in Design at Massey University, Wellington.