SCANZ2013 Keynote: Nina Czegledy – reFraming Nature











Taking an ecological approach to observing patterns in time and space systems is a very current direction to tackle environmental issues. This discussion focuses attention on observations of an historical nature as well as considering emerging patterns in our individual and collective attitude to Nature, ecology and the environment. Recently, several projects – highly evolved in both concept and process- emerged. Some of these case studies are used as primary foci of exemplification in order to explain the dialectics between Humanity and the environment through artistic capture.  These dialectics also bring into relation the significance and future implications of fledgling initiatives in regions where cognition of environmental activism by artists is less advanced. Consequently, this exploratory essay has a long, complex and sometimes elastic time-line, yet nevertheless proposes an underlying correlation tying the diversity of perspective together as a way of indexing Humankind’s relation to Nature on a social and cultural basis. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the main goal of Eco-activist art to re-Frame complex issues so that they maintain essential meaning while the process itself facilitates attitude changes to the environment – mainly through positive social innovation leading to social change.