Peace, Water, Power He Punawai Hohourongo 2018
About the Project
Peace, Water, Power He Punawai Hohourongo 2018 develops from the successful Water, Peace, Power inaugural event held in 2016. It is also aligned with Intercreate’s core event sequence, SCANZ as it shares the same values.
It is hard to imagine a more important moment than now, to consider the issues of peace and the environment. At a time where moderate Muslims align themselves with peace while militants seek war and the US is extending warfaring and warmongering worldwide while battling it’s own citizens, now is a significant moment for leadership in regard to Peace.
The community of Parihaka through it’s founding prophets Te Whiti o Rongomai and Tohu Kakahi has played a leadership role internationally, nationally, regionally and locally many times since it’s founding in 1866.
SCANZ2018: Peace, Water, Power He Punawai Hohourongo represents a significant engagement with the community of Parihaka in terms of the creative projects enabled on the papakainga and the hui which culminates the event. SCANZ2018: Peace, Water, Power He Punawai Hohourongo will have international, national, regional and local participation, part of the recognition of place. Placing Peace first in the title is a recognition of the Parihaka community and its founders and follows from discussion with Maata Wharehoka.
The event consists of a one week, two weekend residency, workshops open to the community, public presentation of projects at Parihaka papakainga, and a hui. After 2016, it was asked that consideration be given to projects that engage with the wai at Parihaka. Several ideas have been formed out of discussion.
We will shortly be calling for creative projects able to be implemented over a two a half week period. Both creative projects and hui presentations (papers, performances, creative interventions, provocations, reflective sessions) on the topics of Peace and Water will be sought. Creative projects and hui presentations that use alternative sources of energy (solar, wind, breath, water) are encouraged.
Friday 2nd February
Arrival of residency artists at Parihaka and powhiri.
Saturday 3rd February
Orientation and preparation day.
Sunday 4th February and Monday 5th February
Period of workshops (half, one or two days) at Parihaka.
Wednesday 6th February to Sunday 11th
Creative development. Some workshop participants may continue with projects.
Monday 12th February
Hui at Parihaka. Morning keynotes, afternoon viewing creative projects and presentations by artists. Presentations and poroporoaki.
Return to WITT campus. Leonardo journal 50th celebration – special guest Roger Malina (live from Texas).