Water Music by Stacey Aglok Macdonald
/in 2015 Archives, 2015 Riverside Cinema, Water*Peace Works /by Ian ClothierWarrior Mountain of Peace by Inahaa Te Urutahi Waikerepuru
/in 2015 Archives, 2015 Night Projections, Water*Peace Works /by Ian ClothierWater, food and resources at SCANZ
/in Uncategorised /by Ian Clothier
Lemon verbena in October 2014 (left) and December (right). This kind of growth based on solar energy and water is one of the most outstanding characteristics of nature.
As SCANZ 2015 is about water and peace, we need to consider our resource usage. At this page on, you can scroll though products to find the calculated water footprint of that product. The global average of water required for one cup of coffee is 132 litres of water. Clearly we need to work on this and related issues in regard to our diet.
At the same time, at SCANZ we are not interested in being policemen in regard to the environment and environmental issues. We just want people to think about their consumption and make adjustments. At Intercreate we are seeking a space where we can all connect in regard to the environment.
As organisers of the SCANZ residency, we are working on ways to reduce our water footprint. We usually supply tea, coffee beans and a coffee grinder because our largely artist group loves coffee. However, for 2015 water*peace we are considering not supplying coffee on Fridays, and only providing locally grown herbal tea: lemon verbena. This is because the best way to reduce water footprint is to consume locally grown products. The verbena will be fresh and available through the week, and we can also access a small amount of fresh bergamot, the herbal leaf form which is similar to the flavour of Earl Grey.
In addition, rather than purchasing the coffee solely on the basis of taste, we will be purchasing Fair Trade Organic. This is because we do want to support those growers in the Fair Trade scheme, who often are local people rather than multinational companies.
We are very lucky to be having WITT involved in the residency as we have negotiated being able to pick from the communal garden in return for watering and tending. Anyone who is picking or gardening will be asked to treat resources carefully, and to never pick an entire crop. We are also intent on getting food from local suppliers as much as possible.
Residency Project: Jo Tito – Earth Water Stones Light
/in 2013 Residency /by Jo TitoInitially Jo’s project was just going to focus on WAI – WATER and where the science of water and te reo Māori meet.
Now, the project will also include:
EARTH – geology, harakeke, stones, geography
LIGHT – photography, photosynthesis, natural light
STONES – as storytellers, creative, healing, spiritual, connection
Jo will venture into different spaces and places within the Taranaki landscape to sing new waiata (songs), to create art in the moment in harmony with nature, impermanent art works that over time will disappear into nature itself. She will document these creations through photography and moving image and will sing these new songs inspired by nature…
While in those spaces, she will also explore Māori concepts within nature, looking at the science of how water flows, the effect that light has on spaces within the landscape and on the living earth.
The process will be very organic, created alone and with others. Te Reo Māori will also weave intricately through these landscapes and will at some point meet with science. Again an organic process to find where that place and space is.
For more info on the project and Jo visit:
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