Residency Project: Agnese Trocchi and Giovanna Dante
Our project is on the razor edge between poetry, science and science-fiction. We will enquire into the anxieties and expectations of humanity in these days of uncertainty.
We will explore the collective subconscious and it’s relationship with the earth, the geodesic energies and the human settlements.
Our attempt is to use scientific and creative tools to represent the collective dreamspaces across two continents, one at the antipodes of the other.
“Back to the Antipodes“ is a reminder that if we want to give a chance to human beings to live in this planet we should go back to our roots which are deeply connected to the heart of the planet and to the heart of our subconscious.
“Back to the Antipodes” means that we are all interwoven and our attempt is to search for connections between New Zealand and Europe, both on a physical and on a psychical level.
Do the connections exist? How they may be represented?
With our project we are going to collect dreams from the collective subconscious fields in Italy and in New Zealand.
We will choose two different areas and we will focus on the ancient and contemporary human settlements. We want to enquire the etrurian areas (the former inhabitants of Italy 3000 years ago) in relationship with the original indigenous settlements in New Zealand.
To collect dreams from the contemporary humans we use different means: interviews, private audio-box, websites, social networks, private recordings.
We will develop an online platform and a questionary to engage with who will be willing to share their dreams with us.
In the second step we analyze the collected dreams to find recurrency of words, actions and elements.
With the data estrapolated from the analysis of dreams we create one or more tableau vivant to be filmed: the tableau vivant are moving postcards from the dreamscapes.
At the same time we are going to draw territorial maps in GIS environment of the two locations that we choosed for collecting dreams.
In the maps we are going to underline the dream-sources areas (the places from which the dreams arise) with a particolar attention to the distribution of different topics in dreams.
The outcome of the work will be a multimedia installation (video-audio-text) which will show the process of data collecting, the maps and the postcards from the dreamscape.